Tuesday, August 23, 2022

So, Tessa Called

Tessa called last week. I'm still wondering why. She wanted to tell me she hired an assistant. I don't know if she thought I'd be offended (nope) or if she was just chit-chatting. Either way, that was the sum total of her purpose in calling from what I could tell. 

I told Marty about our surreal encounter. He asked if I was bothered she brought in someone new. "Not in the slightest," was my response. That place was so dysfunctional I never looked back. It will be dysfunctional whether Tessa has a new assistant or not. I want no part of that crazy train and my biggest regret is hiring Abby, who's stuck on it. She deserves better.  

All that said, I do like Tessa. She's grown on me. I get her. I'm also that introvert who lets few people in. I understand what she does for a living and how to run a business--something her agents don't understand (not a slight, but running a brokerage is different than selling houses). When Tessa and I get together, we rarely talk shop--which is why her call was so strange. Anyway, before we were hanging up, she said she'd love to get together when I get back, drink a glass of wine and catch up. I can do that. 

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