Thursday, September 15, 2022

September's Book Club

The Texarkana Book Club met this week. I would love to be a fly on the wall to understand where they come up with their book ideas. This month was a kid's story that took place during the Great Depression. Though the book was interesting, it was a bit basic for a group of folks whose average age is 79. 

Next month's book seems interesting. It takes place in Korea. I don't currently have the book. You see, the way it works is the woman who runs this is employed by the public library. She orders the book, then orders us readers not to break the spine. We read the book and return it to her, unscathed when we are done. This way she can return the book for a full refund. I guess. Anyway, the book is in transit.  

In addition to a lively discussion*, my new pal Joy was there. Joy actually had been texting me earlier that morning, telling me about her recent trip. I was shocked she was so friendly and forthcoming--like , dare I say, we were actually friends or something. After Book Club we picked up our chat, with her giving me greater details about the passenger on her cruise ship who was eaten by a shark. (I'm not making this up: 

Anyway, Joy and I will be getting together next week for lunch. When she asked where I wanted to go, I asked if she knew of a decent Mexican restaurant. Joy, also having lived in Phoenix, had a good laugh at that one. So, it looks like we'll be heading to the Cracker Barrel.  

 *Tell me, how can a children's book turn into a political discussion--maybe its an East Texas thing? or a 2022 thing?

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