A while ago I wrote about how my goal was to have two "social" events a week. To be fair, I've defined "social events" so loosely that it includes everything from walking over to City Hall to pay the water bill, to commenting on the NextDoor app. I keep wondering if and when I will have a Texarkana friend. I know its coming. Probably. Maybe.
All that said, I'm having a bit of social anxiety because my schedule for the next couple of weeks is a bit full. I have a painting class, a quilting class and probably a focaccia making class. I'm slated for a bike ride with the Spin Sisters next week. Plus, I have my second book club meeting. There's also something going on at the church Saturday night that Marty and I have toyed with attending, but aren't sure, given it overlaps a little with my first quilting class. In addition to all that, I need to make an appointment to figure out if I can get my ceramics class next semester without having to hunt down high school transcripts and I have doctor's appointment (I'm fine). Add to all that my two writer's groups meet for two hours at a time.
Then there's the handyman who's coming over to install a light in the garage. The vet appointment to get Luna's flea and tick meds. The pest control company is coming this week to commit geocide on the fire ant colony in my front yard. And sometime this week, I'm hoping to head out to the Happiest Place on Earth--The Farmers' Market. And let's not forget, I need to walk over to City Hall and pay the water bill.
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