Sunday, October 1, 2023

What Marty Said

 Yesterday, I had a date with Marty. We went to lunch and the Church of Christ craft fair where I bought this gem. 

I said hello to several people, some who knew I didn't go to their church. Some who had no clue. 

After a greeting from Tammy, Marty asked, "Is she a Corona?" 

"No, she's in Deb's prayer group." 

Then Ginny said hello. "How about her? Is she in the prayer group?" he asked. 

"She's part of the Thursday Lunch Bunch." I said, adding, "She and I are going to the movies tomorrow." 

And of course there was Susan. "Lunch Bunch?" Marty asked, hoping he was keeping up. 

"No, I know her from book club." 

I stopped and talked with Hannah, checking on her daughter, following up because we were thinking about getting our daughters together. "I'm not even going to ask how you know her." Marty said.  

"She's our insurance agent's executive assistant. Plus, her daughter is a music major." 

I'd like to tell you these were the only folks I spoke with, but no. I spent more time saying hello than I did shopping, which was probably for the best for my bank account. 

As we were leaving, Marty pointed out how much nicer everyone was at the Church of Christ and how I know (and have more friends) at the Church of Christ than I have at our church. I wanted to scream, "DUH!!!!" Somehow I found a way to hold my tongue. After all, I agreed to have a Catholic home. My children still live with us. I won't divide my family. But every once in a while, it is nice to show him what he's missing. 

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