Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Ode to Joy

A wonderful and amazing Arizona friend pointed out recently life is too short for ickiness and it is always better to surround myself with activities and people who bring me joy. This was in reference to the September Ladies Auxiliary meeting. Though I haven't formally quit, I suspect they are as excited at the prospect of me being one of them as I am of staying on with them. 

As if I needed additional reinforcement, one woman recently sent out a group text, asking for help with a small side project. I responded I could be available. She wrote back to the group, "who is this?"  Okay... I've been hanging with all'y'all for almost a year and you couldn't be bothered to put my phone number in your contacts. Got it. For that matter, I know my name pops up as potential Facebook friend suggestion. None of them acknowledge this. That's okay. I don't acknowledge them either. 

Even Polly noticed a sharp contrast between how our church operates and the way the social structure functions at the Church of Christ. Ever the optimist, Polly thinks with more time, the Catholic Church could become more friendly and outgoing. The cliquishness they have exhibited since Texarkana was established 125 years ago would just dissipate if our parish just saw the bigger picture. After almost two years of attending there, I hold no such illusions and am grateful my Church of Christ pals let me be me. 

Circling back to the issue at hand, this week is the Ladies Auxiliary meeting. Originally it was on the 12th. But several folks (including me) couldn't make it. So, someone unilaterally thought moving it to the 11th was the answer. That same someone also made an executive decision to hold the meeting at some horrid overpriced restaurant with terrible food where I happen to be allergic to a good portion of the menu. I could suggest we change the venue (like to the church hall after dinner or to my living room, also after dinner) but then I'd be committed to going. Instead, tomorrow, I have a pressing commitment I cannot avoid: the Diamondbacks' playoff game. 

It was also suggested if one couldn't make the overpriced restaurant on Wednesday night, just call into the meeting. Apparently there's a lot to discuss this week about future Church activities. Nope. Not doing it. Last time I showed up I was told I was the new secretary. I countered with, No, I am not the new secretary.  

The writing is on the wall. I'm not cut out for this group. I'm trying to figure out a way to bow out gracefully. But nobody will be surprised. There are a few folks in there I really do connect with on a personal level. As a group, not so much. I think I'd like them better if I could just help out when the church needed help and avoid the stupid meetings. 

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