Polly's concert last week |
I've mentioned this before, but I'm saying it again, the amount of musical talent in this small town astounds me. My church has a world-class conductor--one of those guys who has been all over the word--as our music director. He is also head of the Music Department at Texarkana College, where Polly currently goes. And, he is some mucky-muck with Carnegie Hall. He is also in charge of the Texarkana Chorale, the local community choir.
His wife is a wonderful soprano who sings at the jazz club downtown and at other venues for hire. In fact, a few weeks ago, Marty and I were at one of Texarkana Chorale's concerts (where she and Polly were singing). We left, went to a Halloween gathering and there was the wife, playing a set! When she took a break and came over to say hello, we joked about how she had back-to-back gigs that day.
(Wipes knuckles on lapel... yeah... I sorta know a local "celebrity"... )
Polly has been so blessed to work under this man. I think this has been one of the biggest byproducts of our move here. This past week she had a concert for school. She sang "When I am Laid in the Earth" (from an opera I don't know). And, she stole the show. It isn't just my opinion--she was told this by other, non-family members who were just casual observers.
But that isn't all! There is another faction of musical brilliance in town. There is a very large family who records and performs throughout the area. In fact, Marty works with one of the people from that family. Many members of the family have been in the musicals the Coronas go to see every few months, which is where I first heard of them.
In addition to all that, Texarkana College, Texarkana Community Theater and whatever else there is around here, have amazing musicals and concerts, starring the locals and sometimes folks they bring in from other venues. Now then, let's not confuse this with the Sidney Opera House or Lincoln Center, however, for a place this size you can't go wrong. Additionally, I'm shocked at the number of larger-market folks who actually travel all the way here to perform at our largest venue*: the Perot Theater. After all, Dallas, Shreveport, Little Rock and even Tyler would garner better ticket sales. I doubt we are getting A-list headliners any time soon, but the music I've heard so far is definitely ear candy.
*"Largest venue" means indoor venue, because of course there's the fairgrounds.