Monday, November 27, 2023

Random Texarkana

 I had an opportunity to play with plants this weekend.

The roses bloomed again and a few made it to my Thanksgiving table. This was the fifth time this year I got blooms. 

Additionally, I planted more than 150 tulip, daffodil, hyacinth and crocus bulbs. Here's to a colorful front yard next spring! 

Squee! Spring Flowers


While I was out in the front yard digging away, the mailman brought me a package from Bliz. She sent me a spare raincoat she doesn't use and a Paul Goldschmidt bobblehead. It was the second bobblehead I'd gotten this week. The first one--Martin Perez, a Texas Ranger pitcher--came from my pal Jon of the Texarkana Community Garden Coalition, who thought I could use some Texas Ranger swag. 


And finally, while all that was going on, Buckaroo came home with a new family board game. We played it yesterday and all agree it was a hit. Polly won. But I won the Settlers of Catan game later.  

My brother, Squirrel, needs this game.

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