Early voting (for me) is over. My 13 hour days have come to an end. Hallelujah!
I have a week to recuperate. My big-girl Presiding Judge voice (tm) is exhausted. More than once today I demonstrated how, "No" is a complete sentence.
I have a week to recuperate. My big-girl Presiding Judge voice (tm) is exhausted. More than once today I demonstrated how, "No" is a complete sentence.
By the way, there is a faction of the population who need to learn a few things about Civics before casting their ballot. All'y'all are scaring me with your lack of understanding.
Incidentally, if you walk into a polling place, announce you are high on an illegal substance and then demand to vote, it isn't going to go well for you. If you start talking on your phone while you are voting, expect the presiding judge to call you out on it. If you tell us you picked the "wrong" ballot because you want to vote for Marianne Williamson and Asa Hutchinson, we aren't going to be able to reissue you a new ballot. Please don't be those people.
The good news is I had two very competent clerks today. Through no fault of my own, I went through seven clerks in four days. Of those seven, three of them I would recommend. One I would fire and not look back. Two I would suggest remedial training. Two I would promote to judges. One I would not promote to being a presiding judge because I like her too much and I know she doesn't want the job ever again.
As for me, I enjoyed being a judge. I'm naturally bossy. I'm in a point in my life where I have enough outward confidence to make it look like I have a clue of what I'm doing and people usually take me seriously if I position my face the right way. I'm not Southern, so I don't feel the need to sugar-coat my, "you need to take your political signs down on my side of these cones because we both know you are flagrantly breaking the law," talk with candidates and their surrogates.
I also like preserving our country's right to free and fair elections.
I like that part a lot.
Next week is Super Tuesday. I'm going to miss working 13 hours a day, because working on Super Tuesday is a much longer day than that.
By the way, please be kind to your election workers. Thank them for what they are doing. In some parts of the country, they don't get paid. In Bowie County, we make a pittance, but I'm not doing this for the money. If you think of it, ask them what they want to drink and bring them a bottle of water or something back from Sonic, QT, or McDonalds. I promise you that will be so well received. Election workers are thirsty folks who have to talk all day.
Night all. Tomorrow I'm playing with plants and I'm sleeping in until 7 a.m. Can't wait.
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