I am a Presiding Judge for the upcoming Presidential Primary Elections. This happened for a litany of reasons.
1. Deb fled the country is on vacation in Mexico until some time in March. She usually has this role. She hates me thought highly of me enough to suggest to Ritchie, one of the Powers that Be, I might be a good fit.
2. My political affiliation made me a good candidate for the position. They already had enough Presiding Judges from the other party. Though Texas doesn't have voter registration based on political parties, the voting places still need this represented for some reason.
3. I didn't say, "not it," when Ritchie asked for volunteers. Actually, Ritchie called me directly and inquired about my day. He had "God Bless America" on Muzak in the background and talked about our God-given freedoms, the Constitution, and the American way. Then he sprang it on me that he "needed" me to be a judge. Okay, the second sentence didn't happen--but it felt like it did.
Anyway, I agreed--this once--to be a presiding judge. This once, Right? Who am I kidding?
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