Saturday, June 1, 2019

I Can't Decide If I Want to First Pick Apart the Logic, Grammar or Punctuation

I first got involved in real estate in 1998 when Marty and I were looking to purchase our first home. We would drive around, grabbing flyers from homes for sale. Once in a while we would actually be interested in the content of said flyer, but not usually. Back then, real estate flyers weren't terribly sophisticated and I took exception to any home advertising with misspellings and (heaven forbid) grammar errors. We newlyweds would blissfully drive around while I ranted about Oxford commas, the word "thru" (WHICH ISN'T A WORD) and unparalleled sentences. Don't even get me started on suspension points (which are those overused "...").

To be fair, I have considerably relaxed my standards over the years. I am the first to tell you my writing is often riddled with errors. Also, agents have gotten much better at advertising properties. Long gone are the colorful paper with misused bold and underlined fonts--at least in Arizona. 

A quick back story: I used to own homes in a place we euphemistically refer to in these parts as,  "West Georgia." West Georgia actually has worse schools than Arizona. If you don't believe me, please feel free to read the letter I received below. I blocked out the greeting, but she called me by my first name.  

I don't own the house this letter was referencing, nor was this her second attempt to reach me. Did you notice she needs to close three this week but she is telling me it will take 14 days to close if I am willing to sell it to her at below market value? 

I am sure you did.

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