Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Good Adventures

There Are No Truer Words

Lest you think my life is one big complaint. It is not. Let's face it, I was dealing with Inga and Liam while I was here.

I was here. And it was totally awesome!

The weird, the obscure or the downright annoying adventures in real estate make better blog fodder than the fun little Adventures I didn't mention. Here are some of the fun ones that happened while I was gone: 

1. A past client e-mailed me. She wanted to know where the water shut-off valve was for her house. She bought this house in 2011-ish. I had no earthly idea, but I helped her locate it. 

2. I had a listing presentation a few days before I left. Those folks contacted me to wish me a fun trip. They told me they will be calling Dave the Flooring Guy for a quote on new carpet. 

3. Ari the Felon sent me pictures of his house, updated with new paint and with new flooring--thanks to Dave the Flooring Guy. 

4. I had a listing appointment about three weeks before I left (you may remember the stoned cat from last month?). They contacted me to tell me things were underway. By the way, Dave the Flooring Guy is giving them a quote. 

5. Another sale I have is going swimmingly. That client had no reason to contact me at all while I was on my trip. However, we talked right after I got back, though I am not quite sure they knew my exact vacation dates anyway. They had a question, which suddenly came up and needed a quick answer. They would have called sooner if they needed anything. 

They did not scream at me or blame me for their life choices. They were pleasant and did not manufacture drama or refuse to take care of simple items just for the sake of drawing attention to themselves. They didn't throw tantrums about events they were responsible for creating or lie to me about circumstances which needed no lie to begin with. They did not whine or garner sympathy for everyday life events we all face. They adulted. They are a dream. 


6. A past client called me to ask if adding a shed would augment the value to his home (No. But it might be a nice feature when he goes to sell). 

That last one probably doesn't count. It was my brother. But he did call me specifically to ask this. I believe the reality around that is he wants a shed and is trying to sell the idea to his wife.  

By the way, I also talked to the same brother's wife (who I suppose is also a past client). She and I chatted all about my niece and nephews. We talked nothing of real estate. That was fun too. 

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