Monday, January 25, 2021

Beth's New Adventure

A few weeks ago the Arizona Department of Real Estate was looking to hire an auditor. I heard about the job from several sources. I'm not gonna lie, I considered applying for it. Honestly, I was qualified.

The job in question was just what the name suggests: someone who audits. Think about an IRS auditor. The auditor would go into real estate brokerages, nose around the broker's files looking for errors and mistakes. If any are found, there are consequences in the form of fines, censuring, continuing education classes and much much more. 

When I was considering applying, I imagined what it would be like. Me, a bureaucrat, doling out policy and punishment (when necessary), being part of the Real Estate Commissioner's Inner Circle. There would be edicts and decrees and all that goes into being a government employee (with no disrespect intended at all to my dear friend who is a government employee). But I couldn't see myself in this role. I am not a cool kid. I am not a rule enforcer. I am not interested in purposely frustrating people and their livelihood all in name of government good. 

Now I know darn well, there is more than just this side of the story and the Department of Real Estate has auditors for perfectly good reasons. Trust me, I've seen my fair share of grievance committee complaints. Let's be honest here. My career trajectory isn't to sell real estate so I can graduate towards dictating government policy. Even if it comes with a steady paycheck and weekends off. I don't have it in me.

But you know who would be great for this type of position? Beth. My sorta teaching boss. She worked in HR for 25 years, got her real estate license, joined every real estate committee she could find, sold a couple of homes, opened a brokerage and then a real estate school. She likes policies and dictating rules. She loves being part of the In Crowd. Beth was born to Administer. 

And she got the position! In fact, even if had I applied, she still would have gotten it--she was already part of the Commissioner's Inner Circle. She has real estate initials, committee credentials after her name and is fluent in procedure manual.

I'm not being sarcastic when I say she will be great for this. She will. I'm glad she got it. I know her husband is disabled and I suspect this COVID time has hit them hard. I wish her all the best. 

There is one slight hiccup that involves me--or would involve me under other circumstances. Beth has to close her brokerage and her real estate school. That means I no longer "officially" teach for her. Not that it matters. She hasn't wanted me teaching for her in months. But perhaps I will start looking at other places to teach once the dust settles on a few other personal commitments I have going on. 

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