Monday, January 11, 2021

So Glad THAT Was Resolved

Steve called me at 9 p.m. Friday night. He had a question about his loan. Now then, I sell houses, I don't do mortgages. So, I did what seemed like the most reasonable scenario: I told him to call his loan officer. After all, the loan officer is privy to that information and I am not. 

Steve however, did not feel that was a reasonable solution. He told me it was "late" and he didn't want to "bother" the guy. Therefore, he called me. 

I tried my best to walk him through his question. From what he was telling me it sounded like his actual taxes and insurance were higher than originally estimated. However, the best way to find out the true answer was to call his loan officer. 

Saturday morning I followed up with Steve. He did not call the loan officer. Instead, he called a friend of his who has a commercial real estate license in another state who said it sounded like the taxes and insurance were actually a bit higher than originally estimated. His friend's answer satisfied Steve enough that he didn't feel the need to double check with his loan officer just to be sure. 

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