The past several months have been transitional times around the ol' Sunshine manor. We have done some major purging of stuff and things we don't need after living in the same house for 18 years. This past weekend, after double-checking with my brothers, I even sent my grandmother's antique dishes to a place where someone else might find a way to love on them. My mother would be horrified to find out we didn't want these family heirlooms. We aren't ungrateful, we just don't need them.
I am tired of keeping what I don't need. I will never have a dinner party that requires crystal plates. I know this because the last several years' worth of dinner parties have been with plastic plates and flatware I re-wash to use for the next dinner party. My sister-in-law mocks me for being so cheap. Yet, she doesn't host the quarterly dinner parties, does she?
This purge also goes for books. Bonus Mom is turning in her grave at the number of books that have gone to that special book farm where we must never, ever visit them again, lest they follow us back home. Marty is vacillating between being slightly unnerved at my sudden change of behavior and overjoyed by how many books I willingly parted with.
In addition to books and dishes, there have been more homeschool and craft supplies, clothes, trinkets, jig saw puzzles, extra sewing supplies, do-dads, old electronics, kid toys and much, much more. It is as if once I started the purge, I haven't be able to stop.
The one area I would really like to purge is my office. However, I don't know how much I can get rid of until I make a major commitment one way or another to real estate. Recently. I donated a ton of office supplies I no longer need to to St. Vincent de Paul, but I still have so much more. I know decisions need to be made in this area of my life. And maybe I will make the decisions. Given the lack of home inventory, maybe the decision will be made for me.
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