Monday, January 30, 2023

Buck's Latest Wins

Last weekend, Buckaroo went to Dallas for his first martial arts tournament since we moved here. He'd entered all three competitions. There were about 50 people competing in every event Buckaroo competed in. 

He came in fourth in sparring. However, he was the lowest belt competing. One of the judges took him aside afterwards and told him he personally felt Buck actually had earned a higher medal and to keep showing up. 

Buck came in third place in the "forms" competition. One of the other contestants actually congratulated him before the judges awarded the medals. This contestant was convinced Buckaroo had placed--which he did. When the medals were announced, the contestants were told the second and third place came down to micro-moves and if Buck hadn't turned his head the wrong way, he would have gotten second. (the contestant who congratulated him did not place). 

And finally, in the big competition, weapons, Buckaroo got the gold. Apparently, Buck blew away the competition by a landslide. 


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