Though I thought about canceling sixty gazillion times Thursday, I managed to make it the 4.7 miles to lunch with five minutes to spare. It just so happens, Cindy, the woman who invited me, was also parking her car at the same time as me. She came over, and asked if I was sick. Nope, just ready to pass out from nerves.
There were twelve of us. I knew four from the Coronas. I knew three others from the monthly prayer meeting. (one of whom is VERY anti-Catholic and it cracks me up how much effort the rest of the ladies go to ensuring she doesn't know I'm Catholic, though I really don't care if she knows or not).
I don't know why social anxiety is my jam, but it is. However, when I walked in, Corona-Patty said, "I saw your name on the list. I'm glad you came." Corona-Kristy said, "A few of us are going to the movies tomorrow. Want to come?" and Corona-Ruth said, "Oh please do come to the movies. You can sit next to me."
Prayer Meeting-Ginny asked about my sister-in-law's surgery. And Prayer Meeting-Jenny mentioned she thought it was a "hoot" that I lived on Arizona Avenue and was also from Arizona. Neither of these bits o'trivia I had volunteered to the gang.
Friday, I joined Kristy and Patty at the movies (Ruth now had a sinus infection). The movie was terrible, but as I explained to Buckaroo, I agreed to go, so that I could get to know people. I wasn't going for the movie, but for the company.
Saturday I got a text from Kristy, inviting me to a play that night. I couldn't make it, but I no longer feel like a complete outsider. I have hope there will be future invitations. Perhaps at some point I won't feel like the new girl any more.
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