Friday, May 26, 2023

The Lunch Bunch

Most every Thursday, I meet up with the Thursday Lunch Bunch at whatever restaurant they are congregating at for the week. Sometimes I order lunch. Sometimes I just order an iced tea. I'm always there for the laughter and conversation. The Venn diagram for this group would heavily cross over for the Church of Christ members/Deb's Prayer Group/Coronas--with the Coronas being an exclusive subset. I very much enjoy their company. And, for the most part, I think they enjoy mine. 

It was fun was to watch Suzy, Ruthie, Cindy, Sharry, Bernice and a few others with their phones out planning for their trip to Mexico next spring. None of them (other than Ruthie) had ever traveled outside the country. I know for a fact Suzie and Bernice have never flown on an airplane before. Gail, Deb and I were at the other end of the table. I was throwing out suggestions of Known Traveler/Global Entry Numbers and making sure they have a passport. 

Gail and Deb who are world-wide travelers and much more seasoned than I am (I've been to Canada three times and Mexico once), were giving even more in-depth suggestions. The group of novice travelers were looking at us like we'd given them a pop quiz. I finally suggested to Deb she have a get-together at her house where she could just prep them all at once. I think that's happening next week. 

Of note, Suzy asked me the other day what it is like to fly on an airplane. As a nervous flyer, I tried to be as non-dramatic as possible. Get on the plane, buckle your seatbelt and put in your headphones. Normally, I'd tell her to order an adult drink, but the Church of Christ girls don't publicly drink in front of each other. However, perhaps she will make an exception. This trip is next February and she's already nervous. 

All of this was in good fun. I've been invited to Mexico as well. However, I don't have much desire to go. Plus, I'm not sure I could swing it financially right now. Perhaps after the kids are through with college. I did offer to drive the girls to the airport when the time comes. 

Also of note, Deb got everyone's attention and announced to the group she had just read a book by a "talented new author" everyone should read. Then she pointed to me. I darn near died. I had let Deb beta read my book (coming out this fall next spring) a few weeks ago. When she made this announcement I had no idea she was referring to me. 

Also of note, I've been told I'm the only Catholic they know, which I think is funny. I mean, it isn't like Catholics are hiding under rocks. However, it seems I'm taking the stigma out of being Catholic in their eyes because--according to Janice, it turns out I'm "normal."  

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