Thursday, May 25, 2023

Update on the Extra Room

There is no update. 

Marty and I both grew up in homes much smaller than what I live in now. My kids don't mind the size of our house. Actually, Marty and I don't either. It is easy to clean and it serves our needs. I want one more room, but I don't want a tacky addition slapped on to my house because I feel desperate. Somewhere there's a balance. 

Last winter we hired an architect to draft us plans to add on to our home. He gave us preliminaries last March. And then disappeared. I haven't even paid the guy. However, I've called him. My general rule is I don't beg vendors to take my money. If the architect isn't calling me back, that's on him. It also screams volumes of what I can expect if I were to continue this business relationship with him. So, he's got my voice mails, phone number and address when he decides he wants his money.

A couple of months ago, Marty and I went to the home and garden show and met a few local remodelers/builders. I wasn't impressed with them anyway. Perhaps that's because I feel jaded with the Texarkana trades. They all seem allergic to work. I have visions of once I get my plans drawn up having some carpenter pour the foundation for my extra room and then go on a six week bender. Yeah... no. 

We may revisit this at a later date. Right now, no thank you.

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