Friday, February 7, 2025

A Cure-All

At the risk of sounding like an ungrateful curmudgeons, I'm wasn't looking forward to Lunch Bunch yesterday. I love these ladies. They are fun. They make me laugh. Sometimes I make them laugh. 

Some of the women in the group are Coronas. Most are not. Topics range from whatever to this and that. Yesterday's topic tended to trend toward medical, with me vacillating between changing the subject and stabbing my salad.  Depending upon where I sit, I can get a word in edgewise. Sometimes I don't want to get a word in at all. Yesterday was a little bit of both. 

I had reasons for not wanting to go. I'm grumpy. My allergies are acting up. I'm frustrated because certain two-legged members of my household, which is a great reason to leave the house, right? When I returned, my allergies didn't subside and I came to certain two legged members of my household having their own existential young adult crisis. However, I noticed when I arrived home, my grumpiness subsided. 

There are aspects of Texarkana I don't like. However, one of the biggest factors which outweighs the cons about this place is the genuine positive energy and loving spirit these women have. They hold each other up and strive to bring out the best in each other. Sometimes that's the best kind of medicine. 

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