Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Arizona Update

Marty Sunshine has been floating the idea of moving to a larger city once he retires. His reasoning is simply he'd like to be somewhere closer to better medical facilities. As of this week, I'm in agreement. 

I still can't plan a trip to Arizona. I need to tell Bonus Dad when I'm coming, but that would require me to tell him why my trip has been delayed. And I don't want to worry him--truly, this is nothing, and will be resolved shortly. 

This past week I had a defunct medical procedure. As a result, the doctor didn't take care of my issue and I still have to heal from her handiwork. I am now scheduled to have another procedure, which now requires me to go under anesthesia. Honestly, why didn't the doctor just do this to begin with allowing me to bypass all this other crap? 

Hopefully when that's done, my nothing issue will be resolved and I'll be able to get on with my life. The frustrating part is more waiting. That's the worst part. I just want this over with. Once the second medical procedure is completed, I can book plane tickets or figure out a week or two when I can drive to Arizona. Buckaroo wants to come with me. Hopefully I'll arrive before the end of navel orange season. 

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