Sunday, February 2, 2025

Groundhog Day

Feb. 2 has become my least-favorite holiday since moving to Texarkana. I'm sitting here at 4-something a.m. I have a space heater directly pointed at me and it is less than three feet away. 

So far, I expect winter in January. I'm so done with winter. I checked the weather app--a necessity in this part of the world--and we should be in the 70s the remainder of the week. NEXT WEEK the highs will be in the low 50s. Okay... I'll soldier on, as long as it doesn't rain... well, crap! 

When I moved here, several of the locals told me to never plant a garden before Good Friday because one wants to wait for the last freeze. I found that a bit sketchy, as Good Friday changes from year to year.* However, I now believe them.  I guess the jackets, gloves and hats are staying out a bit longer.   

*For those of you who are curious, Easter is always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. You may thank the Catholic church for this bit of calendar crazy. Frankly, this is a tradition that can go away. Evidence is Christ died on April 3 or 7th. Though a major inconvenience for those of us who celebrate our birthdays around then, I'm an advocate for having Easter the first Sunday in April.     

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