Not to jinx it or anything, but the sun is shining. I mean really shining--not shining from the SAD lamp I bought in desperation on my second day living in Texas. The weather here is nuts. It didn't hit 30 degrees last Sunday and we are pretty sure there were snow flurries. It rained on and off the past two days and it is currently 67 degrees. In fact, Friday afternoon, I was trying to figure out how the high of the day (35 degrees) at noon was going to reach the anticipated low for that night (60 degrees) in the next twelve hours. It didn't. Weather here isn't exactly accurate. Arizonans are spoiled.
In other news, half of my house is ill with the flu. Marty is looking at missing work if he doesn't have a miraculous recovery by tomorrow. Polly is currently curled up by the fire, frustrated she missed her first opportunity to sing in the church choir. Buck and I are on the verge, but I don't anticipate either of us getting worse than this. Today the infirmed are watching youtube videos and anime (which is Japanese cartoons). The healthy are writing, reading or playing on the computer.
Also today, someone needs to run to the grocery store. We are out of all those fun things like milk and Dr. Pepper (for those who drink it) and tea bags. As nobody is terribly hungry from this flu bug, we are in the "plenty of fluids" type of diet right now. And given it isn't raining at this very moment--and I still haven't bought an umbrella--right now is a good time today. The weather station is predicting rain in an hour. But then again, I no longer believe them.
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