Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Nextdoor App

I became familiar with the Nextdoor App while living in Mesa. And sometimes, when I was totally bored, I'd spend a few minutes, cuddled up on the sofa, a big bowl of popcorn and entertain myself by reading the comments. This was a usual snippet: 

Post: I see that nobody respects the mask optional policy and all you Trump supporters need to die!!! 

Replies: I soo agree. I hope they all find Covid and keel off leaving the rest of us alone. 

Other Reply: Mind your business you people stole the election. 


Post: I'm rehoming my cat. 

Reply: How could you be so cruel! You must be a Biden voter. 

Other Reply: I need bait in the dog fights. I will take your cat. 

Next Reply: How dare you! I bet you aren't vaxxed!


Post: Did anyone hear the gunshots in front of the Bank of America at 2 p.m. today? There were a lot of police cars in that parking lot right afterwards. Any idea what was happening? 

Reply: Too bad (insert politician/celebrity/person in the news) wasn't shot. That'd make the world better. 

Here is what I'm finding on the Nextdoor App in Small Town America. 

Poster: I lost my dog. Here's a picture. 

Reply: I have an hour, I can help you search. Where did you last see your puppy? 

Next Reply: My neighbor just found a dog who looks like yours. I will put you in touch. 


Poster: Escaped convict from the Federal Pen. 

Reply: Here's more information on the guy. 

Other reply: I googled his name. He was in for drugs. On Facebook it says he has a friend about five miles from the prison.

Reply: They caught him! The police went to the friend who ratted him out. All your doors can unlock now. 

More replies: Thank you Jesus/Great news/Hope they throw the book at him.   

or--and this was my absolute favorite!  

Poster: Free cast iron frying pan. Nothing wrong with it. 

Me: I need a frying pan, when can I pick it up?  

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