Monday, January 10, 2022

The Rube Goldberg of Texas Driving

 For those of you who don't know what a Rube Goldberg machine is, this is a fabulous video explanation. Take your time, I'll wait. 

In case the link doesn't work: 

You are welcome.

For those of you who want a quick explanation, a Rube Goldberg is the long, drawn out process for getting something done. Generally this is some weird contraption that starts a chain reaction of events to complete some mundane task. Like getting a Texas driver's license. 

So, I'm trying to get a Texas driver's license. 

But first! I must register my car.

In order to register my car, I need Texas car insurance.  

But before I can register my car, I must get an inspection done on my car. 

But before I can get an inspection done on my car I need to find a place that does these elusive car inspections. When I find one, I must set an appointment because apparently the demand for such things is sky high right now with the rush of people moving into Texarkana. Who knew?

But before I can get this inspection done, thus proving my car is "fit to drive," I need to get the van's windshield replaced. You see, it has a foot-long crack in the middle that spreads every time it freezes and then hits 70 degrees in the same day, like every day. Also, because I am fussy and my car has certain traits that need this particular product, I want factory-certified glass. 

But before I can get factory certified glass, I have to find someone who is brave and patient enough to order factory-certified glass. I found one company but they have a "shipping delay," and will let me know. Plus, they want to see my insurance, which I might have mentioned, hasn't been updated. 

The insurance won't be updated until Marty has a few paychecks. Once we have a way to pay for the new insurance, we will get all of the above done. 

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