Monday, January 24, 2022

The Great Taco Hunt

It has been my long-time rule to simply bypass Mexican food East of the Mississippi. However, since moving to Texas, I have changed this to just staying away from Mexican food East of the Rio Grande.  After determining that we just weren't going to find reasonable Mexican food (and Heaven knows, we have exhausted all options), the Sunshine family has been out for a quest for tacos. It's a minor consolation, but how can one screw up tacos? 

Well, the answer to that question sounds simple, but Texas has found a way. In addition to bad tortillas, every taco joint we have gone to has managed something offensive. It's as if the concept of a simple street food is just too backwoods for this small town and they are overcompensating with weird flavor combinations. Buck had Korean bbq tacos this week. Marty had potato tacos last week. I tried something called "spicy chorizo tacos" this past week as well. In this case, "spicy chorizo" was really ground beef with a smidgen of cumin and--I'm not making this up--battered, deep fried jalapenos on top to give the taco the kick. It was garnished with corn and American cheese. 

Last week Tessa, thinking she was offering me a chance of a lifetime, took me out to a taco joint where I ate a fried avocado taco. 

Lest you think I'm searching for exotic tacos, I am not. I am searching for real tacos. Shredded beef or chicken, lettuce tomato and real cheese in a corn tortilla. The basics. If the chef throws in some seasoning, my feelings wouldn't be hurt. Unfortunately Texarkana hasn't seemed to master this.  

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