Tuesday, November 1, 2022

House Hunting Non-Update

I'm not as picky as I may sound, but I'm picky enough not to want to spend my money, uproot myself and change houses just for the sake of of having any bigger house. After all, God willing, my kids will eventually move out. So far nothing interesting has come along that Marty and I even want to view in person. Oh, there have been bigger houses, some on main roads, some out of our price range and even some that don't have more rooms than the ones we have now. There have even been bigger houses with more rooms yet smaller kitchens, weird layouts, more repairs and less storage. 

I like having a one-story home with no repairs (my current home is in great shape!), a reasonable layout and a nice kitchen. The storage is so-so. We have a linen closet finally, so progress.  

At any rate, we aren't moving on the new house thing very quickly. 

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