Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November Projects

I had a bit of time on my hands this past month. 

I took a sewing class. I learned how to make a snack mat. I don't like this one (don't look too closely at the thread lines), but it was useful to know how to sew the edging. 

I also made lounge pants for Marty. PSA: never sew plaids. Matching the stripes was a bear. 

I also took on a few sewing projects on my own: 

The cedar chest is 85 years old. The cushion was engineered and might I say, it came out great. I didn't have a pattern to work with. 

Yesterday morning I made another snack mat. I realize the reds don't match. I was practicing the mitered corners and wanted to try something small. Hence, the new snack mat. 

The mitered corner practice was because I finished my quilt. Actually, it is Bonus Dad's birthday present. I hope to get this mailed out this week. Putting the edging around it took a bit of practice (hence the snack mat). 

Because I had nothing better to do, last Saturday I made this. (The mitered corner edging put on yesterday after the snack mat practice). 

Saturday, I sent Bob, the guy teaching me to quilt, a note letting him know he created a monster. He told me to come on by Monday and he'd put this table runner on his quilting machine. That's Bob's hand on the quilting machine. Yesterday he texted me and said stop by. He gave me another bit of quilting fabric and said, "Make something else." Bwahahahahaha.... 

And finally, I've had horrible insomnia lately. So, this is what I've been doing in the middle of the night. That's blue chalk paint. I have enough of the paint left over to make a treasure box for my nephew Patrick. I bought this night stand for $10. I am sorry I don't have a "before" picture. The top was burned. The drawer pulls were missing and the entire thing was falling apart. 

I bought this bookshelf for $20. It was stained and then painted and then stained again. The drawer was essentially sawdust when I got it. I spent considerably more on stripper than I did on the actual bookshelf. Incidentally, my father made the lamp. 

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