Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Random Texarkana

It appears, me being from Arizona means that I have some sort of insight on the Arizona election races. 

I don't. 

However, that hasn't stopped the text messages from acquaintances this past Tuesday asking for my take on Katie Hobbs's victory over Kari Lake. 

Y'all's governor's race is the talk of small-town Texas. 


I don't have a reasonable winter coat. I mean, I have a jacket. It will keep me warm. It's ugly but functional. I didn't think I'd need anything warm in November, because last year when I came out to look for a house (in December), the weather was in the 70s. 

Tuesday, while the high for the day was 39 degrees, I spent more time than I cared for looking for a new coat. Other than the two Goodwills, there are four places in town that sell woman's coats: Dillards, Penny's Burlington Coat Factory and Kohls. I found nothing I wanted to spend money on. I will stick with my ugly jacket for now. 


Also Tuesday, I went back to the dentist for my cleaning. The hygienist mentioned when she saw me two weeks ago it looked like I was having a "rough time." Yeah, let's go with that. 

Behind the scenes, I'm looking for a new dentist. On my to-do list is to see if my insurance will cover dentists in Arkansas. Or Arizona. 

My biggest dislike about Texarkana isn't the Mexican food, it is the medical community.  


My second-biggest dislike about Texarkana is the lack of good Mexican food. Marty and I tried a new "Authentic" Mexican restaurant last Friday night. Marty's enchiladas were covered in a "chipotle sauce," which was really Velveeta seasoned with cumin. My chili verde was as advertised, chunks of pork swimming in a green sauce. It was too salty, and the sauce tasted canned. We both liked my dish better than his, but I only ate three bites. Then, we made a pinky pact to stop disappointing ourselves with Mexican restaurants. 

Even Luna didn't want my leftovers. 


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