I went to my first Unit 3 meeting last week.
What is Unit 3, you ask? It's ok. I asked too.
Unit 3 is the unimaginative and vague name for the Catholic Lady's Auxiliary Group (my name for them) that helps out at the church, doing everything from bringing over the donuts on Sunday morning to coordinating Trivia Night. I have no idea why they are called "Unit 3."
Unit 3 is currently in a membership drive and cannot, for the life of them, figure out why nobody is jonesing to join. When I mentioned last week that perhaps nobody knows what Unit 3 means, the women looked at each other and then to me. "Good point!" one said. "We should change our name!" Another suggested.
"But what about all of those women who know us by Unit 3?" The lone dissenter asked. I inquired who those women might be. Nobody could answer.
A motion was made to vote on selecting some sort of new name at the next Unit 3 meeting. The motion passed and my belief in bureaucracy in a small town being just like bureaucracy everywhere else was reaffirmed.
That said, the ladies in the group were pleasant and I enjoyed myself, however the dinner that came with the meeting was terrible. Who, I ask, puts--and I'm not making this up--frozen tater tots in soup? However, there was copious amounts of red wine flowing for those who partook (I didn't). Perhaps it covered the taste of the tater tot soup?
I have felt a need to help out at my church, and this Unit 3 group is how it is done. I have no attachment to any decision (including changing the name). I just want to meet a few folks and be a part of the community. I do see some red flags I see no reason to be quiet about (like asking the parishioners to pay for some of the expenses the Unit 3 ladies cover). But I'll wait until a meeting or two has passed before I stir anything up.
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