Monday, July 8, 2024

Texarkana's International Visitor

Welcome Beryl

 Well y'all, looks like we are fix'n to have ourselves a storm. And I'd like to give a shout-out to Mother Nature for the head's up. Thank you. 

Like all atmospheric events in this neck of the woods, the folks are taking extra precautions. Even the Walmart was gracious enough to raise the price of a gallon of milk by more than $1.00 for Beryl's arrival. Unfortunately, I was out of milk. For those who rushed to the store for the "French Toast menu" (eggs, bread and milk) hopefully they got out of there for under the price of a tank of gasoline. Which reminds me, the lines at the pump were unnaturally long--that is, each pump had a corresponding car when I went by. Incidentally, the price of gasoline is under $3 a gallon. But I digress...

As far as the Sunshine family. We are prepared for rain. The (hopefully) inflatable dams are already outside, waiting for us to see if we got our money's worth. I have doggie downers, for Luna--she hates storms. And my father's stained glass pieces are already tucked away, though I haven't moved the stained glass lamps. Before the end of the day, I will tape the west-facing windows, to protect them for possible tornadoes. By the way, we have yet to have a tornado touch down in Wake Village, much to Polly's disappointment. I'm also cooking a chicken, so if the power goes out, we have something to eat. Otherwise, it will be used for enchiladas tomorrow. If I had to lay odds, I'd say we are having enchiladas. 

By Wednesday, I expect everything to be back to normal. 

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