Saturday, August 3, 2024

What's In A Name

So, the writing group is being held up by a teensy little issue. We don't have a name. And because of this, we cannot: open a bank account (we will be under the umbrella of another 501c3--The North East Texas Writer's Association), start a Facebook Page, send out invitations to our first meeting, make a web site, and the list goes on and on. 

Last week we met to iron out the details of our upcoming first meeting. We all brought in our name ideas. This time we had a new member, Penny, in our steering committee. In our name discussion, Penny suggested the "Four Corners Writing Group." As in, the "four corners" of a writer's mind. 

The other name which garnered the most interest was one I suggested (for now we will call it the Writing Writer Guild*). 

As we were discussing, I pointed out that the Four Corners is a geographic destination and potential members who live where we do might not realize this group is for them. Penny, who was becoming increasingly agitated her name suggestion was being picked apart by the person whose name suggestion was also on the table, pointed out she lived in Arizona for a few years, nobody would think that. 

Someone piped up and said I lived in Arizona at one time too. Penny demanded to know how long I lived there. 

"50 years," I replied, sorry I brought up the whole discussion to begin with.  

At this point, I said, I was sure "Four Corners" was perfectly fine and I'd be happy with whatever we picked. After all, this is a minor issue which just needs to be resolved to move on and not a hill I wish to die on. I would also like to point out right here, that this was the last time I spoke up in this meeting. 

However, my take on the geographic location had gained traction by other committee members and it was decided Four Corners should be turned into Four States Writing Group. 

And honestly The Four States Writing Group is a great name for our part of the world. The change seemed to appease our new member. 

But wait! Remember, there were two names still in discussion? Committee members began voicing their opinions, only to find out half of the group liked "Writing Writer Guild" better. Though I said nothing, Penny became pissy at me all over again.  

It was decided, a logo of both name ideas would be made and e-mailed to the members. We would then vote (essentially in secret ballot) on which name we liked best. Personally, I think this was done to appease Penny's blood pressure, because she again was losing her mind that her idea wasn't instantly loved. As far as I'm concerned, let's just pick a name and move on. 

*I promise, it is not The Writing Writer Guild

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