Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Last Few Days

I made it through another election day. We only had a marginal bit o'crazy, which I'm sure is just a dress rehearsal for the big game in November. 

Incidentally, if you voted in early voting and come back six days later on election day, demanding your "right to vote" while telling me you have no idea why your name is blocked out, let me just say this: You do know why your name is blocked out--YOU ALREADY VOTED. And causing a major scene in front of the entire voting room will not change what we both know to be the truth. Nor will it make me happy if your shenanigans cause me to end up in the courthouse timeout room at 9 p.m. election night. 

I know who you are. You darn well better hope I don't see you around town. I might kick you in the shin. 

In other news, I worked a very long day Tuesday. Longer than it should have been thanks to a certain jerk with a target on his shin. 

Yesterday, Buckaroo and I made the normally 3 hour drive to Dallas in four and a half hours. We watched the Diamondbacks lose and then made the trek back to Texarkana. We left the stadium at 5 and arrived home at 11:30. In other news, every--EVERY--traffic light in Dallas was out. 

I like spending time with Buck--we had a great day! And Corona Gail was there with her husband. It was fun to run into them. They wisely spent the night in Dallas. Next time Buck and I will too. 

Today Queen Deb and I went over and brought Corona Krissy lunch. She's homebound in between her chemo treatments. She graciously showed us her garden. Squee! 

Tomorrow, I sleep. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

My Date with Marty

Truth in Advertising
Saturday morning, I wrote N1, E2, S3, W4 on a piece of paper and told Marty to pick a number between 1 and 4. He chose 3. We went South. 

We went to Shreveport for lunch. At the recommendation of Deb, the Queen of the Coronas, we found Gibbons, a relatively modest place with fabulous food. Next weekend, we will be taking the young adults here for a family outing lunch. For the record, I was happy to drive 72 miles to a good restaurant over the garbage served in Texarkana for twice the price. Like I pointed out to Marty, when we lived in Mesa, my brother was 50 miles away in the same metro area. Saturday were three states away and in another world. 

We then went to Joanne's where I bought fabric so I can make myself a pair of yoga pants. Poor Marty was a good sport, helping me pick up sewing tools and fabric (I might have also bought fabric for two quilts I'm working on as well). 

On the way back, we stopped by Southern Maid Donuts--which are truly the best donuts in existence. Tessa introduced them to me last year. Marty and I munched on these wonderful balls of sugar-coated carbs while being grateful the closest Southern Maid Donuts shop is three states away. 

By the way, Elvis Presley sang the Southern Maid Donuts jingle--the only commercial Elvis ever made. (Found this article on Southern Maid Donuts:

Incidentally, Marty already selected our next Saturday outing: Paris Texas. It's an hour and a half away Northwest of us.  

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Early Voting Ended with a Blast

Ok... actually it ended with tornado sirens piercing the air. And let's not forget the lightening and thunder. And wind. Definitely, don't forget the wind. 

Friday night's weather

When I got home, I found Buckaroo casually walking around the house pulling down all my father's stained glass lamps. He didn't want to be perceived as taking the entire event seriously, but still wary enough to realize we were in the middle of a bad-ass storm. Though we were supposed to, we opted not to take shelter in the bathroom. Instead, I gulped down my dinner, while everyone else watched the radar. For the record, we were ready to hang out in the bathroom if necessary--but I was doing it after I ate the only meal I had all day. 

Incidentally, though I got to go home after we'd closed the voting poll, Deb and the presiding judge had to drive to the courthouse in New Boston (about 20 miles away), where a tornado had touched down. 

Tornados are another one of those scary things I did not sign up for when I agreed to live in Texarkana. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May Flowers

May in Arizona means saguaro cactus blooms. Oh how I miss saguaro cactus blooms! A few weeks ago, I asked a couple of Arizona friends to send me pictures if they saw any. Alas, they didn't. Perhaps next year I'll ask more responsible folks--like my 10 year old nephew. 

In East Texas, we don't have saguaro cactus blooms. But, we do have hydrangeas. On my daily walks around Wake Village, I've been taking pictures of the hydrangeas I see. I'm sure the neighbors don't find me aiming my phone camera in the direction of their yard the least bit creepy. Probably. But, just in case, I've tried to be somewhat covert in my picture taking. 


The next two are from my own yard. 


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Early Voting

I'm working a few days of early voting this week. The air conditioning is out at the site I'm working at. Unfortunately, it is also the same place I'm working on election day. 

I have a neck fan--which helps. The City of Texarkana provided us a few fans also, hoping that will "dry up" any condensation which might be all over the floor. I'm uncomfortable without the AC there, but not hot the way I'm hot when I'm in Phoenix. The fans help. Yesterday someone walked in, felt the sweltering room and announced, "Bless y'all's heart!"

This is the Republican runoff election. It is (apparently) a hotly contested election. I didn't expect it to be super-busy, but oh my! In addition to Republicans coming in, many Democrats came in, trying to vote. Unfortunately, they missed the part where it is called the Republican runoff. A woman called me "stupid" when I told her she was ineligible but we were looking forward to seeing her at the Presidential election in November. Speaking of Presidential election, some of these folks need a civics lesson because the number of people who were expecting to vote for President yesterday was astounding. 

I'm just a measly clerk this week--which is fine by me. Next week, I'm the presiding judge at this location. I'm not worried about the hotly contested election. I'm more concerned about the lack of air conditioning. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Crime in Wake Village

Posted on the Wake Village Police Department's Facebook Site. There were pictures as well. The guy in an orange jump suit, his FB profile, etc. Shame isn't dead in East Texas. FYI: Nash is the next town over. Another suburb of Texarkana.

Is there an award for the dumbest criminal? If so, we have a nomination to make. Earlier this week, a Nash Officer came forward with information about this guy, Steven Burton. The officer was looking to buy a set of used tires, and realized Burton had quite a few sets available on marketplace. Several of Burtons’ posts had photos showing what we know to be the back lot of a tire store in the village. When our detective began his investigation, he quickly learned that Burton was visiting the store quite often, obviously not during business hours. Mr. Burton was caught on video doing sales behind the store, but unfortunately the tires he was selling did not belong to him. Well, earlier this evening, operation “Notsosmart” was put into motion. Wouldn’t you know it, Mr. Burton really wanted to sell more tires! So officers with the Nash Police Department and our own officers called up Burton and made a deal. They may have left out a little detail about our investigator obtaining a felony warrant for his arrest. But, money is obviously very important to Burton, so he showed up! What a surprise he got, when the purchasers showed up in marked patrol cars! Burton was taken into custody, and numerous stolen tires recovered from his car. Burton will now have some time to consider his options while visiting in Bi-State. Hopefully, his future choices are better than his recent ones. If you have recently bought tires from this guy, you can contact our office at 903-838-5580.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Random Texarkana

Judge Training went as expected. Here's a form you've seen... Here's a machine you've used... 

Additionally, the Head of Bowie County Elections decided to tell a story of a bad scenario--pointing to me and using my name--of the situation which happened while I was at lunch during early voting. The only part of his entire example which was factual was that I was assigned to that location and the machine jammed. OTHERWISE, I WAS NOWHERE NEAR THE VOTING ROOM AND HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT PARTICULAR ISSUE OTHER THAN I WAS ONE OF THE TWO JUDGES ON DUTY. 

When he suggested to the group that it could have been prevented, I said, "Could you give us some examples on how to prevent this in the future?"  That was the equivalent of "Fu..." "Bless your heart." And no, he could not because, I mean, really?? How do you predict when a ballot might jam in a machine? To his credit, he actually was trying to be relatable. 


I went to lunch today with one of the Catholic Ladies. She is the one who invited me into the Ladies Auxiliary group. We've gone out a few different times since I fired them (Thank you, Freedom, for pointing out the obvious). She's never once brought up that group. Until today. 

Today, she wanted to invite me to the next meeting. She said there was "new leadership," then named the same women in the group. They basically rotated spots. Because I'm still part of the text thread, I saw something recently which said anyone who didn't show up to May's meeting would be elected an officer starting the next meeting. 

Her invitation makes me wonder if I'm the new president. 


I need a refrigerator. It isn't a desperate situation. At least just yet, but the tell-tale signs of appliance hospice are upon us. There are precisely three places in town to buy appliances: Lowe's, Home Depot and a furniture/appliance store in town, which sells only high end. Lowe's and Home Depot have the exact same price. The high end place has some great stuff, but do I really need a top-of-the-line smart refrigerator which will play Beethoven, walk the dog and let me know when the milk is thinking about souring? 

What the high-end place does have is a kick-butt stove/oven in their clearance section, that I'm not sure I can live without.   


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Judge Training

The Bowie County Republican run-off election is being held in a couple of weeks. I thought I wouldn't have to work it for two reasons: 

1) I didn't take kindly to some of the pubic (in front of voters, no less!) snarky comments the head of the Bowie County elections said during early voting. Making crappy off-handed comments about me for things out of my control shows he has little regard for me. However, publicly attack my clerks for those same out-of-their control circumstances and see what happens. 

Additionally, at 9 p.m. Primary Election night, I walked into the court house, after being up since 3 a.m. and working at one of the busiest voting place places with a slight (and fixable) problem. I was headed to talk to one of the folks prepared to help me solve my minor administrative issue. This dude got wind of my issue, stopped me at the door and said some very unprofessional things. Being a Yankee, tired and being born with zero filter, I said some unprofessional things back. To his credit, the man hunted me down twenty minutes later and publicly apologized for that incident. However, the damage between us is lingering. I don't care. 

2) I didn't get asked to work until the end of April. I found out later, nobody else got asked either. 

Today, I have judge training. Normally, I dress up for this. You know, big-city business casual: slacks, a nice blouse and corresponding shoes. Already sure I will never be fired from this job, I'm wearing jeans, a clean top and my Keds. Of course, I'm pretty sure everyone else will dress more like me. 

I don't mind working the elections. I actually like helping out my country this way. 

What I don't like is being thrown into high-authority roles with little training. I don't expect much from today's class. I've heard it twice before,: Here's how to use the machine. This piece of paper goes into this envelope. Call someone if you have an issue. Everything else is trial by fire, and good luck! After working the Primary, I feel immensely qualified to handle whatever else comes my way--including the guy in charge of Bowie County elections.  

Retailing in Texarkana

 I just googled "What time does Wal-Mart open." Because other than the Waffle House, nothing is open 24/7 around here. 

Speaking of Waffle House, there are two of them on the Texas side. They are--and I'm not making this up--one mile apart. One is at exit 223 and the other 224 (or exit 1, if you are heading West on Interstate 30 in Arkansas). I can't imagine a need for two Waffle Houses. But then again, the Waffle House a big deal in the South. 

What else is a big deal in the South? Dollar Generals. There are three within a mile of me. I just counted: for a population of less than 40,000 (Texas side) there are 9 Dollar Generals. On the Arkansas side (another 30,000), there are 8.  Someday I will have to do a deep-dive post into Dollar General. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Body Count 3

Luna's Latest Gift

I found this guy in my bedroom, upside down and at my feet. I hadn't noticed him right away, because I was petting Luna. She brought me another gift. I guess it's better than a dead squirrel--which I've also gotten. Or, the mice she recently discovered living in our yard. 

That screech you might of heard was me. Yeah... the mice are gonna go.

Anyway, after I took the picture, I whipped out a Sharpie and wrote a "3" on his back. This was the third turtle of the season. Usually, I take the turtles down the street, to the woods at end of the block and set them free. This one, I let go by my mailbox, figuring it might have a better shot at longevity away from more predators. I came back an hour later and there was no sign of him, so I'm guessing he found his way into the grass (there's a high--well, high for a tiny turtle--concrete curb separating the street from our yard)

I kind of regret keeping him in my yard. The lawn guys have industrial mowers. I'd hate to have this little fella's life might be cut short by sharp blades. If I see Number 3 again, I'll go ahead and move him down the street and let him take his chances with other wildlife. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Speaking of Angel Quilts

I finally saw Corona-Krissy Tuesday night at a small, last-minute, weeknight Corona gathering. It had been months. There were six of us who went to Deb's house to play dominos, eat carbs and laugh. Oh, the laughing! My sides still ache. 

Wednesday morning, Krissy sent me this picture. You see, Krissy has cancer. It was in remission for a hot minute and decided to return. Now she's in chemo and doesn't get to be around people too much. A few months ago, before I joined, she was given an Angel Quilt. I'm taking the picture to the group next time I go and I will tell them the story of my friend, who was so touched by the gesture.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Angel Quilts

From someone who knows someone who knew me, I stumbled into the Angel Quilt group. They meet regularly to make quilts for cancer patients. I've gone to one meeting. I'm heading out later today to go to another. I love the idea of what they do. However, I'm on the fence if I want to devote the time and energy to this project at this juncture of my life. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Musical Month

When I say there is exceptional music in Texarkana, I'm not exaggerating.  I just counted. I've been to six concerts since April 6th. And I haven't gone more than 5 miles from my house. 

In reverse order: 

May 5th. Soul Fest

The Texarkana Chorale held their final concert of the season. It was at a Baptist church on the Arkansas side of town. Marty commented when we walked in, "I don't think I've been to a Baptist church before." 

I replied, "This is the second one I've been to in 24 hours." But more on that in a moment.

If you will please think of every stereotype that involves a Baptist church in the South and the words, "Soul Fest," and you have the general idea. Now then, scrap the stereotypes. Imagine little old men wearing suspenders, in their 90s of white, brown, green and purple skin standing up, raising hands and singing along. The music was blow-your-socks-off amazing. And I'm not just saying that because Polly is a Soprano I. In fact as I write this post, Polly is standing behind me in my bedroom and singing "Total Praise," one of the songs they belted out. 

Imagine these folks singing and dancing
(to everything but the National Anthem, which they did sing)

May 4th. Josh Wilson 

This was held at the Beech Street Baptist Church. Though I hadn't heard of him until Corona Ruthie invited me, Josh Wilson is a pretty big name in the Christian Rock circles. I say this because there had to be only 75 people at this concert. And boy did they miss out. The guy was multi-talented and hilarious. 

Twenty dollars for a semi-private concert.  

Beech Street Baptist Church, built in 1904
and right across the street from St. Ed's--built in 1903 (the Arkansas Catholic church).

April 25: Polly's Recital

I almost didn't make this one. My plane from St. Louis landed in Little Rock that afternoon and I got home at 4:30 for the 5 p.m. concert. Polly performed a song she wrote which included lyrics and piano accompaniment. 

Texarkana College recital. Many are also in the Chorale. 

April 17: Dueling Pianos 

Tessa bought tickets for Leah, Deb the Queen of the Coronas, and me to see the Dueling Pianos. I'm often accused of knowing "everybody" in town. But hey! If you start by knowing nobody, everyone is a friend (unless they work for Tessa's brokerage. Then, they hate me.). The pianist I took the picture of is my pal Toni's brother. They look alike and he's probably just as cool as she is. 

April 13: His Harmony 

The Church of Christ hosted His Harmony, an acapella group. They've been together for thirty years and tour around the country. What I truly find fascinating is apparently the Church of Christ doctrine forbids music. Or maybe they forbit musical instruments. I'm not exactly clear on this. Sometimes I don't think they are either. At any rate, I find it interesting they hosted a concert. I find it even more interesting that Deb and Leah are so into music given their religion isn't big on this. I went with Tessa and Deb.

His Harmony

My birthday present from Deb, the Queen of the Coronas.

April 6 Pink Floyd-ish

I told Marty this is what I wanted for my birthday. ONLY this. The night of the concert, Marty found out I knew the words to every Pink Floyd song. EVER. This "Pink Floyd" was a cover band from Ontario with the Texarkana Symphony playing accompaniment. They did not disappoint. The reason I wanted Marty to go was because I had a boot on my foot and couldn't drive. Plus, this wasn't the Church of Christ crowd kind of music.  However, the Church of Christ crowd doesn't know what they are missing.

Trivia: I saw Roger Waters in concert,
(7th row, center stage) on my 17th birthday.

This was the best concert of all of the ones I saw. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Officially Done

On May 1st, my Arizona Real Estate license expired. I knew two years in advance this would happen. I had ample opportunities to take my continuing education classes, either by going back to Arizona, on line or through Zoom. I didn't. I am at peace with my decision. 

I've been asked repeatedly since I moved here if I would get my license. The answer is no. First, in order to be profitable, I'd have to get a license in Texas and Arkansas. Second, I've met a good majority of the agents in town. Nope. No thank you. Third, I was burned out years ago. 

Before my license expired, for a hot minute or two every month, I considered renewing my license, And if I were to have done that, I'd even renew my real estate teaching credentials. Because, if the truth be told, all I'd want to do is teach real estate at this point. I could probably still have done that if I so desired because I haven't stopped paying attention to the Arizona and national real estate market since we moved. However, I'll leave that crazy for someone else. 

There are a few lingering affects from letting my real estate license go. I'm still on tons of vendor lists. I am still inundated with phone calls, texts and emails from perfect strangers offering to help me grow my business for a fee. I still get phone calls from the occasional referral who wants me to help them. I'm still part of the super-secret Arizona Real Estate Facebook forum. I can't seem to shy away from that train wreck. And, I'm still asked questions about real estate, the state of the market and the current legalities affecting real estate. But as far as working in that crazy again, no thanks. I'm done. 


Friday, May 3, 2024

Texarkana Critters

I could crawl through that hole.
Critters are all the rage in this part of the world. What I find most fascinating about them is their lack of boundaries. In the big city, the wildlife (mostly) stays in the wild. There are exceptions of course. Like the time I saw a herd/fleet/group of javalina walking down my street in Mesa. And if one lives on the outskirts of a big city, there is even more variety of critters. 

Here it isn't uncommon to find a deer, armadillo or possum crossing the road in the suburbs or even in my yard. Polly, whose bedroom window faces the back of the house, opened her curtain one night to see a mama possum and a few babies outside her window. That same night Luna was at the back door aching to go outside. At the time we didn't know why. I'm pleased she didn't commit possum-cide. 

By the way, Luna has her rabies shot. 

This past week, Luna has been in hot pursuit of something (a vole? rabbit? squirrel?) in our back yard. She chases it to the fence, where then the critter dives under the fence and into the patch of woods behind our home. Yesterday, I thought she was outside. I called for her and she didn't come. Thinking she was inside, I looked again. Then, I went outside and found her coming back through the hole she created behind the shed. Buck and Marty spent last night nailing in new slats. I'm  pleased she'd gotten her flea and tick med the day before. Luna was pleased when I pulled the splinters out of her coat.

Luna's first turtle of the season.

Later in the day she brought me a turtle. Sigh. I must remember to put a notation in my calendar. Who knew turtle season happens right after the beginning of destroy-the-back fence season.

It isn't only my yard. People on social media post pictures of rattlesnakes. RATTLESNAKES! And--get this! Idiots respond with comments like, "I hope you didn't kill it." That's kind of a thing around here--preserve the rattlers, hanging out in the yard. I find that attitude fascinating coming from a Stand Your Ground state. I'm pleased to say, copperhead photos don't get the same kind of love. Speaking of snakes, someone in the Nextdoor App, posted that they saw a water moccasin on Arizona Avenue. Oh, yay.  

But moving on to other critters, the game warden was called out to the local high school the other day because an alligator had found its way on to the premises. 

And just when I thought I was going to end this post, I checked social media and found this. 

A black bear taking a stroll in the middle of town.