Friday, May 3, 2024

Texarkana Critters

I could crawl through that hole.
Critters are all the rage in this part of the world. What I find most fascinating about them is their lack of boundaries. In the big city, the wildlife (mostly) stays in the wild. There are exceptions of course. Like the time I saw a herd/fleet/group of javalina walking down my street in Mesa. And if one lives on the outskirts of a big city, there is even more variety of critters. 

Here it isn't uncommon to find a deer, armadillo or possum crossing the road in the suburbs or even in my yard. Polly, whose bedroom window faces the back of the house, opened her curtain one night to see a mama possum and a few babies outside her window. That same night Luna was at the back door aching to go outside. At the time we didn't know why. I'm pleased she didn't commit possum-cide. 

By the way, Luna has her rabies shot. 

This past week, Luna has been in hot pursuit of something (a vole? rabbit? squirrel?) in our back yard. She chases it to the fence, where then the critter dives under the fence and into the patch of woods behind our home. Yesterday, I thought she was outside. I called for her and she didn't come. Thinking she was inside, I looked again. Then, I went outside and found her coming back through the hole she created behind the shed. Buck and Marty spent last night nailing in new slats. I'm  pleased she'd gotten her flea and tick med the day before. Luna was pleased when I pulled the splinters out of her coat.

Luna's first turtle of the season.

Later in the day she brought me a turtle. Sigh. I must remember to put a notation in my calendar. Who knew turtle season happens right after the beginning of destroy-the-back fence season.

It isn't only my yard. People on social media post pictures of rattlesnakes. RATTLESNAKES! And--get this! Idiots respond with comments like, "I hope you didn't kill it." That's kind of a thing around here--preserve the rattlers, hanging out in the yard. I find that attitude fascinating coming from a Stand Your Ground state. I'm pleased to say, copperhead photos don't get the same kind of love. Speaking of snakes, someone in the Nextdoor App, posted that they saw a water moccasin on Arizona Avenue. Oh, yay.  

But moving on to other critters, the game warden was called out to the local high school the other day because an alligator had found its way on to the premises. 

And just when I thought I was going to end this post, I checked social media and found this. 

A black bear taking a stroll in the middle of town.

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