Thursday, August 27, 2020

Over It

One of my dearest and favorite people told me last time I saw her that she was practicing stoicism. It really works for her personality too. I dearly miss this friend and just writing about her makes me want to go breath in her space just to see her smile and hear her voice. 

Stupid pandemic. 

Anyway, as a type A-cubed personality, stoicism probably isn't in the cards. But I am practicing my own level of, "I'm over it." Marty's latest layoff announcement comes out tomorrow. And, I'm over it. There is no anxiety. There is no drama. Either he is on this list or he isn't. And you know what? I (currently) do not care. I've survived much worse financially. I won't starve--and let's face it, skipping a meal or two won't impact my life that much. I can go back into the work force if necessary. I know there are call centers that would hire me. Hopefully.

Meanwhile, my anxiety level is gone and I am happier. Will Marty being unemployed come with challenges? Yep. Will we get through them? Yep. And no amount of elevated blood pressure and imaginary scary scenarios will change anything. I might learn to embrace this new zen normal. Maybe. 

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