Sunday, May 21, 2023

A's and B's*

May I just say, heading to Arizona is tough on me. Emotionally. Physically. Psychologically. Plus, I never have enough time to see everyone. Ever. This trip afforded me one day--more like six hours--in the East Valley. The rest of my time was on the West side and hanging out with Patrick, my 9 year old nephew, favorite human and the main reason for this trip. And yes, I did make a point to see Bonus Dad twice. I was able to also visit with a handful of friends as well. However, there are about four or five others I really would like to have seen. Next time I come to town, I need to spend more time in the East Valley to make this happen. I miss those folks too. 

I was in touch with three types of friends. 

Friend A: The ones I visit with, we have a good time, and when we part, we wish each other well until we meet again. I'm always left with a warm, fuzzy feeling and I hope I leave them the same way. 

Friend B: The ones I could not visit with but were totally chill about the fact I couldn't get over to see them. There's no guilt trip, but instead a nice phone convo and the promise for more laughing and chats some time soon--such as next week. If this is you, thank you for being awesome. 

"Friend" C: The one I saw last Saturday night for more than five hours, who bitched and moaned later in the week that I "couldn't make time" to see her again. She tried to guilt me into stopping what I was doing, to go visit with her or perhaps I could drop my time with my nephew (I was picking him up from school and taking him to a movie) to hang out with her Wednesday afternoon. I got whiney gaslighted texts galore from her, trying to get me to drop everything for a second visit with her. Not only did I truly not have time, but after reading her texts, I sure didn't want to see her again.  

Personally I'm of the mind people tell you how they wish to be treated. Noted. Next time I will scratch her from the list all together and use that space for Freedom, Mitch and Tonya, Sarah and Wendy.

*On another note, it is hurting my editor brain to have the apostrophes in the title. It really should read As and Bs, but I thought that might be too confusing. 

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