Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Tornado Prep

This afternoon, near me. 

During my zoom call today, my the dog and cat were bonding at my feet. That alone should have been a sign I needed to pay attention. The thunder and lightening were on full-display. I heard the tornado siren start about the same time Marty texted me, letting me know there were tornado sirens. 

Dumping the zoom meeting, I looked out the window. Lots of rain, but no wind. The storm cell displayed via my phone app told me this would be going on for the next hour. Oh goody. 

My bathroom window
After giving Luna her anti-anxiety pill, I hefted Polly's old twin mattress from the garage, through the house and into the hallway. This would be my shelter-in-place location for Finn, Luna and me, if life got harry. I took my time, putting Dad's stained glass windows in safe places. I didn't move Dad's stained glass lamps to the ground, figuring that would be a last-minute to-do. It's a pain to move them. I closed the blinds in all the windows and put blue painter's tape over the bathroom window--it faces SW, which is the directions tornadoes come. I swept the floor and unloaded the dishwasher, while double checking my cellphone was charged. 

Polly called me about thirty minutes later. She'd been at school and had been ushered to an interior room to shelter in place while the storm passed. She was saddened to have missed all the storm prep at our house. No worries, according to the Internet, we have another one scheduled for around 6 tonight. 

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