Sunday, December 16, 2018

Last Friday's Gift

I met Doug the Favored Felon, Dee and the a few of the regulars from her Merry Band of Felons for the walk-through of Doug's upcoming purchase this past Friday. It was a party, which started 45 minutes later, allowing me the pleasure of standing in a furniture-free 1,000 square foot condo in the cold December afternoon, with a drained cell battery and a slightly pissy attitude. However, when they all showed up (ALL of them), it turned into a party.

Now I must say, it seems everywhere Dee and her band of Merry Felons go, it turns into a party. And that's fine by me.

Perhaps there is a HVAC filter in here somewhere?
During the walk-through, Doug went through his soon-to-be condo, marveling at every little thing. He fiddled with the light switches and appliances. He played with the heater (there is no air filter, so I hadn't turned it on). He turned on all the faucets and recounted the windows--just to be sure they were all there. He smiled, giddy like a child right before summer vacation, as he talked about the colors he would be painting his sons' room this coming week. He pointed where the Christmas tree would be staged and told us about the upcoming memories he was sure to have.

He told us his plans, his hopes, his dreams. This is a fresh start for him. His divorce final last month, he has been granted custody of his young sons. He is getting married in a couple of weeks. This is a new life. To him buying this condo is more than just a place to lay his head. A few years ago he didn't have this kind of hope. It is a fresh start. And he was eternally grateful to Dee and I for helping him out and said so. Right before leaving the condo, we all congregated into the 5 x 6 kitchen, holding hands, while Seth the Felon prayed for Doug and his new place.

In addition to all that, at some point, we gazed with wonder at the amount of personal items the seller's daughter hadn't collected yet from the condo--a task that I had been harping on for weeks. Incidentally, this coming Wednesday, if you are looking for an old laptop, Christmas decorations, a signed letter (probably not an original) from a former US President, a Green Card or a plethora of other do-dads, I am willing to bet Doug the Favored will make you a great deal.

After the walk-through was over, we had a caravan to the title office, where Doug signed papers for an hour. The felons who were not involved with the sale came in too, offering him support, friendship and a new pen when the ink ran out of the last one. They even told corny jokes just to keep us laughing.

When all was said and done, I went to wish them well and a good weekend. I promised I would be calling on Wednesday when the condo closed, to meet him to give him the key. But before I could get out the door, Doug stopped me. He thanked me profusely for my help. The other felons thanked me for helping Doug. Dee and Mr. Dee thanked me. Then they ALL hugged me. I felt loved and appreciated.

It is moments like that which make grateful I have a job where I can help people.

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