Thursday, March 8, 2018

A Worried Update

I got a text message from Mrs. Worrier on Tuesday. It said to send her everything out there that meets her criteria. Her husband was threatening to take the kids because he was sick of living in hotels.

I sent her the ONE home that came up. Then, I also asked if she might want to relax her standards a bit and I would be happy to send her everything else available. I got no response. In fact, I still haven't heard from her.

Meanwhile, Mr. Worrier contacted me. He said send him everything. He stated he will be renting a home for him and his children this week. Mrs. Worrier can come if she wants, but he was done with this. Oh, by the way, there was no need to consult Mrs. Worrier any further about housing.

Yesterday, Mr. Worrier and I looked at four homes. Two of them, were with a property management company who throws me a lot of business. However, these two homes aren't on the multiple listing service, so I won't get paid. They were his two favorites. Of course. I just asked him to use my name when he filled out the application. I want the credit, even if it just means stockpiling treasures in Heaven. Mr. Worrier filled out an application for a third home as well. He is a back-up application if one of the first two don't work out. So essentially, in the time they had been homeless, Mr. Worrier put in more applications in one day than they had in the four months Mrs. Worrier was half-looking.

Mr. Worrier looks like he has been put through the ringer. His eyes even moistened a little as he shared his story and his pain. He wants to keep his marriage together. He wants to give his children a good life. He wants Mrs. Worrier to seek help. She is refusing, saying it is everyone else's fault. She is a victim of her circumstances and everyone else's poor choices. I want her to get help too.

He told me--and after getting to know her I believe it--she said if he gets a home without her she will spend all his money and sabotage the situation. She will eat out all the time (they have been doing this anyway, because they are living in hotels). She will run up more bills. There will be hell to pay. He told me this with a resigned voice, sharing that once he has a lease signed, he is changing his bank accounts and turning off his credit cards. All of this broke my heart. My eyes may have moistened too.

I am pleased to hear he took steps. Unbeknownst to Mrs. Worrier, he has made arrangements and gotten a scholarship for his oldest three to start Catholic school as soon as he has an address. With all the chaos, his children have been merely existing. His in-laws--Mrs. Worrier's parents--have offered to watch the youngest two, cosign for a place (if necessary) and loan him the deposit money. His own father said he will make the drive from the city he lives in, which is 150 miles away, every Thursday and stay all weekend so Mr. Worrier can work his Uber driving job on the weekends. All of this breaks my heart. It breaks his heart too. This is not what a husband and father want. I get that.

Hopefully Mrs. Worrier will get help. Hopefully.

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