Thursday, August 25, 2022

Random Texarkana and My Brothers

I opened my mailbox twice in two days to find some sort of critter jump out of it. I did not sign up for critters. I think it was a lizard, but honestly, I was so freaked out that I didn't look before it scurried away. Thinking that this could not possibly happen again, I opened the mailbox again today to have the same thing happen. Lesson learned, someone else is grabbing the mail from now on. 


Today I ran errands that included: returning a purchase to Amazon via Kohl's, getting my backup sewing machine serviced, picking up my book from the library, finding highway 108 in Arkansas in preparation for Saturday's event (more on that later) and picking up Marty for lunch. Total time gone: 35 minutes. The same distance traveled in the Valley would have been 90 minutes. I still can't get over how much is crammed into such a small space. 


Tomorrow would have been my father's 85th birthday. Today some stranger to the family called all of us, trying to capitalize on my father's death. We were suspicious and the stranger has gone on his merry way. But in the mean time, grief took its toll. Both brothers, sensing I was upset from dealing with the stranger's shenanigans on the eve of my father's birthday, reached and sang the Big Bang Theory's "Soft Kitty," to me. When Squirrel called, he sang it and asked if I wanted to hear it again. I did. Then I told him we should sing it in a round. We did. It was terrible. But it is nice they have my back. 

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