Thursday, January 4, 2018

Full Steam Ahead

I was told the process to become a designated broker took about two to three months. Even with the Christmas and New Year holiday, it actually took two weeks. Holy cow! It went fast.

Tuesday, while I was taking my classes online to finish up the last requirements I needed, I talked to El Jefe. He was supportive. He told me to come on back when I got bored from doing this myself. I am always welcome at his office.

I had talked to Jane earlier in the week and she actually interviewed (from my introduction) with Mrs. Hufflepuff yesterday. I believe she is going to join them. Also, she and Mrs. Hufflepuff are now Facebook friends. Jane also admonished me for being nervous in talking to her. Turns out she was planning on leaving El Jefe anyway. 

Yesterday, I turned everything into the Department of Real Estate at 11 and was approved by 12:45. Just the approval process from the Department alone I am told takes three weeks. It didn't even take three hours! Since then I have been moving non-stop. Everything electronic with my name on it has to be changed to reflect I am a Designated Broker. Technically this blog too, if I used my name. But let's resolve this right now: Me writing this and you reading this in no way implies agency. Are we good? 

Later today, I get my listing back. El Jefe signed it over to me but there is some paperwork involved that requires a small extortion fee from the realtor association. Today I also open a bank account and (hopefully) get business cards and a couple of signs made. That is, if my graphic artist and I can hash something out. Its been fun collaborating, but I am afraid he is going to charge me a PITA fee if this goes much longer. Eventually I will have an e-mail address and a web site. 

The last item on my list for today is just to breathe. 

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