Friday, March 15, 2019

The TexVirginia Vote

I never hid my opinion.
To no surprise to perhaps about 39 out of 40 folks (spoiler alert, I expected it), the TexVirgina vote went through. The total vote was 40 against and 188 for, within the two associations.

There are more than 40,000 real estate agents who are affected by this vote and they only had 228 folks who bothered to show up. The vote was about 20.5% at both associations against. My theory is we will find out the real reason this was a big deal when some big surprise is dropped in our lap.

Counting the Votes
Nobody from El Jefe's office came--including El Jefe, who called me a couple hours earlier to say he couldn't make it. My realtor pal, Sally, didn't show up either. I texted them both and gave them the news. They were thrilled. Jane was there. So was Mrs. Hufflepuff. They had opposing views, but it was sweet of Mrs. Hufflepuff to allow me the courtesy to debate her about why I thought it was a foolish idea.

Nothing will probably change in my world. But Arizona real estate policies put in place will be favored towards the now fifth largest realtor association in the country. The new realtor association covers four Arizona counties. Small locales such as Nogalas, Yuma, the White Mountains and Flagstaff will have less pull, which is too bad for them.

Local realtor associations should be local.

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