Thursday, June 20, 2019

Well Darn!

I am on vacation from my vacation. You know the time: the space between when one arrives home to the time it takes to get all the laundry done and life moving in the right direction. It is a time of structured chaos and creativity.

Given the week before my vacation I was dealing with a dying dog, Inga and Liam and a myriad of other poorly-timed life events, it is a reasonable assumption that daily chores were put on hold. What that really meant was I missed the Community Outreach Meeting.

To be fair, I was not planning on going to it anyway. The exact time of the meeting just happened to coincide to a really, really cool meeting I am not at liberty to discuss yet. (Squee!!!!) But soon.

Now that I am back, it is once again time for the Community Outreach Meeting. However, I am not making this one either. I have lots of other Adventures in Life to attack this week while I take care of my vacation from my vacation. Plus, I may have accidentally scheduled a breakfast date with a friend for that exact time. I am not sorry about that either.

Note: After I wrote this I found out that Muffy cancelled the Community Outreach Meetings until August. It is just to hot to be unpleasant and autocratic. Or something. 

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