Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 In the last 11 days, I have been asked many of the same questions. It is interesting to me to see what people are curious about. Nobody has outright asked me how I feel about this (I'm ok). Most of my answers are standard. My last answer fluctuates, but the long version is below. 

Q: Texarkana, where's that? 

A: On the Texas and Arkansas state line. Its is half way between Dallas and Little Rock.


Q: Why Texarkana? 

A: That's where Marty got a job. 

Q: Have you been to Texarkana before? 

A: Yes, but not as a tourist. 

Q: Are the kids (who are young adults) coming? 

A: For now. One has announced plans of flying the nest sooner than I expected. 

Q: How did the kids take the news?

A: One was thrilled. One is struggling a bit more but has also expressed excitement at a new adventure. The struggling one has said there is a move to Dallas in that one's near future. 

Q: Will you sell real estate over there? 

A: I don't know. 

Q: What will you do over there? (generally referring to selling real estate or other forms of employment). 

A: I don't know. I will figure it out later. 

Q: What about your father? 

A: I plan to come back regularly to see my dad and help out my brother. 

Q: What is the hardest part of leaving?

A: I can honestly say there is no single "hardest part." Leaving my roots, the people I love, guiding my family through them leaving their roots and people they love tend to be my rotating answers. 

Q: Do you have a place to live? 

A: No.

Q: What is your biggest fear right now? 

A: Being homeless when we arrive in late December. In a close second place for biggest fear, Marty or the kids just outright rejecting this move. 

Q: Do you have a lot to do? 

A: YES!!!!! 

Q: What about your real estate brokerage here?

A: I am closing it on or around November 30, provided my last home in escrow closes on the 29th. 

Q: Are you excited? 

A: I am sure I will be. Right now there's a lot of anxiety and overwhelm. Once that is settled, I will focus on this new adventure. Texarkana wasn't a place I would have purposely picked so there is a lot of unknowns. But as a friend once said, I'm a, "bloom where you're planted," kind of person. I can see me being ok. Besides, if it doesn't work out, we go on to another adventure. There's some freedom in knowing that. 

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