Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Home on Arizona


I live in a city called, "Wake Village." Its population is 5,392 as of 2019 and is a little less than 3 square miles. It is on the outskirts of Texarkana and you'd have to cross under Interstate 369 (that is only 2 miles and really goes nowhere) to get into Texarkana. 

Wake Village was founded in 1942 and used for housing for the Red River Army Depot, which is a few miles from here. The city was named after Wake Island. There are streets called, "Burma," "Manilla," and "Singapore." At first I couldn't figure out why in this tiny little place there would be a street called, Arizona. Then I read the city's history. Bingo. The USS Arizona had just sunk and those in charge paid tribute.

I live on Arizona Avenue. My house is one of the newer ones, built in 2002. It is in a quiet area, near the woods and about a mile from Marty's job. At first I thought we'd make lots of jokes about the coincidence between being from Arizona and living on Arizona, but it hasn't panned out that way. Instead this is just home. 

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