Thursday, January 20, 2022

Small Town Employment

Yesterday, Marty sent me a text: "Check the bank account." Given that he hasn't had a pay check since December 8, those words seemed a bit ominous. 

Instead, it turns out his company paid him early. Well, actually, they paid him a week late (there was some confusion about the direct deposit and a certain left-handed husband of mine might have done well to have written a bit neater on his employment forms, but that's another story). Marty was supposed to have been paid last Friday. But instead of making him wait until the next pay period, they threw in that missing check several days earlier. I'm not the least bit sad. Plus, I'm hearing they are paying him for the time he was out sick as well last week. 

Yea, so far I'm liking Marty's new job. 

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