Tuesday, February 8, 2022

More Interviews

Here's the gist: as we are streamlining some processes, I am not convinced we need another staff member, especially a bookkeeper. Some of the current staff agrees. Tessa is on the fence and she has to pay for someone, so it is her decision. 

Anyway, we had a pow-wow yesterday morning and this topic came up. It was decided the interviews would continue and then a decision would be made. 

First was Abby. She doesn't have baggage. Tessa did sell her a house, but (according to Tessa) it was a pleasant experience. She interviewed well. She would be ok with part time. She has the qualifications and she has a personality I think I could work with. She is the strongest candidate we've had and I will call her back for a second interview if we go forward. 

Then there was Kimmy. I loved Kimmy! Kimmy is fresh out of college and was so nervous, she was shaking.  She showed up 40 minutes early. She is ambitious, articulate and interesting. But she has zero experience except for a few college projects. I was that girl once and I've always wanted to help and mentor the Kimmys of the world because there were people who helped me. However, I have zero local professional contacts and there are probably employment laws, Equal Opportunity Laws or other societal norms in place that would make it difficult for me to reach out under the circumstances. But half-way through the interview, I wanted to show her what to do to her resume and help her apply at the local credit union for their bookkeeper position. 

Perhaps once I've sent rejection letters out I will reach out to Kimmy and tell her about the credit union job.  

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