Thursday, February 23, 2023

Marty has a Sinus Infection

I live in a small house. This isn't a complaint. The house is big enough. It is paid off. But the small house is a reality that gets in the way of dealing with Marty's recent freight train snoring my insomnia. Last night, I was awake at 1 a.m. and had nothing to do. My computer and sewing machine are both in the bedroom. The house was clean. It was too wet to go anywhere at that hour. "Anywhere" would be a gym, which I don't have a membership to anyway or the Waffle House across town and I wasn't hungry. Plus, streetlights are kind of a luxury around here, so driving around town in the rain might also mean driving through a puddle I didn't know was the size of a swimming pool. So, I cleaned the garage. 

Then, I started painting the boards for the garden. I'm painting them green because 1) I have green paint and 2) there is no place to buy paint at 1 a.m. even if I did want another color. Here's something I learned since I moved here: painting takes a lot longer to dry in wet weather than it does in the dessert. When I finally called it a night around 4 a.m., the boards were still too wet to move. As I write this, I have 12 more to paint. If the weather holds, I will be planting spinach this weekend. 

Something else I've learned since I moved here is this: the outdoor spigots are inconveniently located in dark corners around my home. In order to wash out my paintbrush, I'd need to traverse--in the dark--to a remote corner of my home and hope there wasn't a critter hanging out there trying to get out of the rain. Don't laugh. I'm not sure I want to take on a giant lizard/possum/armadillo/"occasional copperhead"* armed with a paintbrush and flipflops. So, I didn't wash the paintbrush. I used an old trick my father taught me when in the middle of a painting job, I wrapped the paintbrush in foil and threw it in the freezer for tonight's insomnia marathon.    

*About six months after I moved into the house, I asked my realtor if snakes were an issue. She said, "Other than the occasional copperhead, no."  

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