Saturday, March 14, 2020

No Teaching

Welp. I'm actually sick. No, I don't have some virus that is the equivalent of the common cold and makes people hoard toilet paper and TV dinners. Instead, I have something that I could really, REALLY use antibiotics for if I had the energy to go to urgent care and get a prescription.

I was supposed to teach today. Apparently that real estate school is the only place that lost the memo that the world was shutting down. So, I had to bow out of my teaching obligation--which doesn't really put me in the most credible light, especially after Beth went to some effort to get me on the schedule for today.

As an introvert, self-quarantining is no biggie. In fact, the phrase, "self-quarantining," is just a fancy way to say, "Saturday." I have books. And if worse comes to worse, I will fire up Netflix and watch a Spanish Novella or two. Or, I could work on sending out comps to the rest of my clients if I felt like being productive. Which I don't.

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