Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Quarantine Mems

Not to make light on what is happening around the world, but let's face it, what all can we do other than worry, make light or totally ignore?

Monday, I was at the grocery store buying produce (nobody is picking through the fresh produce and meat, instead stocking up on frozen dinners?) when a woman approached me with two packages of toilet paper. "Do you want these?" she asked. Actually, I did want her rolls and I had already looked on the shelf. There was none left. My brother's family missed the memo stores were running out and so were they. In fact, Little Brother had been canvassing stores that morning since 5 a.m. looking for a roll or two and had taken to swiping napkins at the local Quik Trip so they could make it through the day.

The toilet paper came with a heavy price. The woman clutched it tightly, telling me how a different president would never have let this happen. Maybe, we don't know. I am 51 and this is my first self-quarantine pandemic. So, I have no reference. Nor do I care at the moment. Taking care of ourselves and others is more of my priority.

In other news, my six year old nephew will now have a spot-clean bottom.

Here's a bit of levity, all from the Face Book Real Estate Forum.

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