Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Circle of Life

All the brown spots are where
Marty has filled the Luna-Mole Holes

Lately, Luna has been tearing up our yard. Normally, she isn't a digger, but recently our back yard looks like something akin to a B-movie war drama. I have two-foot holes hither and yon. Every other day Marty drags dirt into the holes and fills them, so we don't break our ankles, walking around the yard.   

In addition to the back yard, we are seeing smaller bits of land unearthed throughout the side yard where somethings have been digging. So far the front yard has fared well. We finally figured out what was the issue. Apparently, we have critters that have burrowed under, making tunnels and causing all sorts of mayhem. 

Through a series of conversations with old-timers at the local hardware store, as well as a frank conversation with Ms. Tonya at the pest control company, I am led to believe that what is causing this chaos are moles. You know, those cute little guys that look so sweet in cartoons. Yeah, those jerks. 

The old timers recommended "Mole Peanuts," which did nothing but shorten the lifespan of several generation of squirrels in the area (sorry about that). Apparently the moles are too smart to eat the peanuts. 

However, Ms. Tonya got me in touch with Mr. Little, who just happens to know a thing or two about mole removal and has offered to come by "sometime" to teach me how to take care of these guys myself. He says it will be infinitely cheaper than him doing it. He said three treatments will be all I need. 

I asked, other than the damage it is doing to my yard and to Luna's psyche, are there any reasons to harm these moles. I mean, I really don't want to kill them. "They are vermon," Mr. Little told me. "They might have rabies, and if they bite your dog, she will get sick. Ok, there's that--though Luna has her shots. 

Then he said what cinched it for me, "If you don't get rid of them, the copperheads will." 

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